Video editing is an important part of video production. In this guide, we will give you concrete advice on how to improve your video editing skills. In addition, we’ve compiled a list of the best video editing software that you can use for your next video.

When you want to make a good impression, videos are a great tool. Videos are becoming an increasingly important element of both social media and the internet. Content on both social media and on websites is in many cases filled with videos, as it has become easier to produce video content. There are both free and paid programs, and each program has its advantages and disadvantages. But finding your way around the market of so many programs can be a challenge.

5 tips to get better at video editing

  1. What is the focus? The music or the vocals?
    You need to decide whether it is the music or the vocals that drive the video. If we are talking about an interview, what is the point of the interview? If it’s very music-dominant, you’ll need to decide what mood you want the music to create.
  2. Edit with the rhythm in mind

You should use the music as a guideline for when to cut. Music has a rhythm and abeat that you can follow to know when to cut.

  1. 3, 5 or 10 second rule

A good rule of thumb when editing videos is to make some kind of change to the video every 3, 5 or 10 seconds. Of course, it also depends a lot on the length of the video. The reason why it is a good idea to make changes every 3, 5 or 10 seconds is to keep the viewer’s interest.

  1. Sound is 50% of the video experience

As the headline says, audio is 50% of the video experience. Therefore, you need to spend time editing it. You may be “playing” around with the voice in the video or something else entirely.

  1. Get inspiration from others

Look at how others use the same sound you use. Take a look at how others edit videos similar to yours. It’s free to get inspiration and you avoid falling into a lot of traps. That way, you can see how others have tackled their video editing process.
Most often, beginners can go overboard with effects, colors and sound. That’s why it’s important to find a video you like and pay special attention to the color, sound and rhythm of the video.

Video editing is the link in the chain you start with after you have shot your video.

There are various video editing software available on the market. A video editing software helps you create better-looking videos. Both youtube videos or edit a video for a business. Even if you have a desire to edit family footage, holiday clips or birthdays, there is suitable software for that too.

There are differences in the prices of video editing software and payment options. Some programs require you to subscribe, while some programs can be purchased on a one-off basis. You can also find free video editing programs. So you can choose according to your needs.

Which video editing program(s) are free

If you don’t have the budget to buy/subscribe to a video editing program, our recommendation is to take advantage of the free options available on the market. But it is important to keep in mind that these programs have their limitations. For example, you will experience advertisements, limited features and watermarks.

We therefore advise you to take advantage of the trial version option of the paid programs. As it allows you to try the program before making a decision to buy it. However, remember to cancel your trial period if you do not want to be charged.

Da Vinci Resolve is a video editing program that is free of charge. The program consists of a lot of advanced features and it is also not (in our opinion) for beginners. But if you don’t have the budget to subscribe to a video editing program, Da Vinci Resolve is a program you can try out.

But is a free video editing program good enough? The answer is: it can be. There are many good free video editing programs available. However, you need to know a few things before you give them a shot. You will find that some programs are limited in their functions and there are watermarks everywhere (sometimes).

How difficult is it to edit videos?

Learning how to edit videos is not something that is incredibly difficult. Of course, it takes time. But nowadays, there are a lot of free platforms to learn video editing. It is important to start with the basics and build your skills from there. There are many guides and video tutorials on YouTube, which are a good place to start. Also, no matter what video editing software you use, there is a lot of help available on the internet.

If you want to read about how to create a good storyline, we’ve written a whole guide on how to do just that.